achromatic grays
grays that are created by mixing black and white.
when precise amounts of 2 complementary colors are mixed, each hue cancels the other and this also results in an achromatic gray.
chromatic grays
subtle colors that result from considerably lowering the saturation level of prismatic colors. Chromatic grays weakly exhibit the distinguishing quality of the hue family to which he belong.
muted colors
rich but softened colors that reside between prismatic colors and chromatic grays.
optical mixing
this occurs when small color fragments are organized in a tight pattern, appear to fuse, and, from a distance, appear as single mixed color.
prismatic colors
pure hues that represent the colors of the spectrum at their highest saturation level.
while these are theoretically infinite in number, the color wheel distributes them evenly into twelve major hues.
sometimes also called intensity or chroma, saturation refers to the relative purity of hue present in a color.
a highly saturated color vividly shows a strong presence of hue; conversely, low saturation refers to a weak hue presence.
made by mixing a color with gray or its complement.
tone can also have a more general meaning; it sometimes refers to any change in a hue, including tints and shades.
Source: Color – A Workshop Approach by David Hornung