Color Interaction: Advertising Illustration
“Colors will appear what they are not, according to the ground that surrounds them.”
Leonardo Da Vinci
The objective of this assignment is to create an advertising illustration using your knowledge of the various forms of color interaction to either intensify color properties, or anticipate and appropriately counteract the effects of these interactions.
Size: See description for each project.
Medium: any, except digital and markers.
1. March 5 : Choose one of the three clients provided and come up with three different concepts for that client. You are free to illustrate part, all, or none of the text that will go on the illustration.
2. March 5 : Color sketch to be completed in class.
3. March 19 : Final illustration due. If you chose to add all or part of the text digitally, do so, and bring a printout with the original illustration.
Client 1: Magazine ad for Odwalla Juice
10.5” x 7.75”, vertical
Text (to be included):
The artful mix of taste and nutrition.
Take the freshest fruit bursting with living flavor. Blend with bravado. Dial up the natural nourishment. Avoid the artificial. Shake. And let Odwalla nourish your body and inspire your soul.
Nourishing the body whole.
Background info:
In the “Who We Are” section of the website, the key Odwalla principles are stated as follows: Make great juice/Do good things for the community/Build a business with heart.
Go to to read more about each principle.
Client 2: Packaging illustration for Equal Exchange organic hot cocoa
3.5” x 4.5”, horizontal
Text (to be included):
From small farmers with love
Hot Cocoa
Background info:
Our mission is to build long-term trade partnerships that are economically just and environmentally sound, to foster mutually beneficial relationships between farmers and consumers and to demonstrate, through our success, the contribution of worker co-operatives and Fair Trade to a more equitable, democratic and sustainable world.
We help small farmers build a better future for their families and communities.
We currently work with more than 32 small farmer organizations in 18 developing countries. Our trading partners are small farmer cooperatives — businesses owned and governed democratically by the farmers themselves.
We support training programs for women in Guatemala, an ecotourism project in Nicaragua, new classrooms in El Salvador.
We help build pride, independence and community empowerment for small farmers and their families in poor countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
Our delicious fairly traded organic hot cocoa has a rich chocolatey flavor that children and adults will love. Easy to make with hot water -- the milk is in the mix! This product helps farmers in 3 countries -- the organic cocoa is from small-scale farmers in the Dominican Republic, the organic sugar is fairly traded from farmer cooperatives in Paraguay, and the organic milk powder is from Organic Valley Family of Farms in the U.S.
Client 3: Poster illustration for Earth Day 2009
Size: 16” x 20”, vertical or horizontal
Text (to be included):
Earth Day
April 22 2009
Optional text:
Come up with a slogan, or choose one of the following:
There’s no place like earth
Make everyday earth day
Good planets are hard to find
Background info:
Earth Day (22 April) is the only event celebrated simultaneously around the globe by people of all backgrounds, faiths and nationalities. It is marked every year by half a billion people in 175 countries around the globe.
Earth Day Network is a driving force steering environmental awareness around the world. The Earth Day Network's mission is to grow and diversify the environmental movement worldwide, and to mobilize it as the most effective vehicle for promoting a healthy, sustainable planet. We pursue these goals through education, politics, cultural events, and consumer activism.
The first Earth Day celebration was organized by US Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin in 1970 as an Environmental 'Teach-In' in which over 20 million people participated. Senator Nelson directly credited the first Earth Day with advancing the environmental policy agenda in the US, and following this first Earth Day, Congress passed several important pieces of environmental legislation, including the Clean Air Act, laws to protect drinking water, natural habitats, and the ocean.
Earth Day is celebrated in a variety of ways, from neighborhood clean-ups to workshops, music festivals and lectures.
Sources: Earth Day Network and United Nations Environment Program